Email: [email protected]
CONTACT: Steve Whitmore
Office: 213.974.3101
Mobile: 213.407.0650
We have learned that Assessor Prang will host a Disaster Relief Webinar on Thursday, March 13th, from 6 pm to 8 pm to break down the disaster relief programs and resources available to support impacted property owners. We have partnered with the Treasurer and Tax Collector’s Office, the Auditor–Controller’s Office, and the Department of Regional Planning to provide a comprehensive overview of available disaster relief support.
Topics to be covered include: Misfortune and Calamity Property Tax Relief, Decline-in-Value, reassessment information, rebuilding clarification, and more. This informative webinar will be followed by a live Q&A to get your questions answered in real time.
Register for free at to get disaster relief support.
6-8pm Thursday March 13, 2025